Almost one-and-a-half years after releasing its proposed rule, the U.S. Department of Education issued new Title IX regulations on May 6, 2020. Because the 2020 Title IX regulations become effective on August 14, 2020, educational institutions must move quickly to come into compliance during what are already particularly trying times. To assist your institution with coming into compliance, we Franczek’s Title IX team is offering the following products and services to school districts, schools, colleges, universities, and community colleges:
- Title IX Toolkit. Our Title IX Toolkit contains the written documents needed to bring your institution into compliance, including a compliance action plan, notices, forms, and letters, and insights and analysis of the Illinois PRESS policy when it is released. Toolkit subscribers will also receive access to an exclusive webinar addressing Toolkit and PRESS policy customization.
- Training. The 2020 Title IX regulations for the first time require specific training for school and school district employees, including Title IX Coordinators, investigators/administrators, decisionmakers, and mediators. Because the rules require K-12 schools to respond to sexual harassment reports and complaints if any employee has actual knowledge of the harassment, it is also essential that all K-12 staff receive basic training so that they can report it as required. Our interactive, engaging, customized trainings—offered both in person and online using videoconferencing—meet all requirements under the new rules.
- Investigations, Determinations, and Informal Resolution. Many educational institutions will have in-house investigators to investigate claims, decision-makers to decide complaints and appeals, and facilitators to handle informal resolutions. In some cases, staffing and training limitations, conflicts of interest, and even the sensitive nature of allegations may necessitate looking outside an institution’s walls for an investigator, decisionmaker, or facilitator. When they do, Franczek P.C.’s experienced, trained attorneys are available to assist.
For more information on the Title IX services we provide, please email us at We also offer summaries of our Title IX resources for PreK-12 schools and higher education institutions on our website. And, as always, for the most up to date discussions about the impact of Title IX on your institution, follow our blog.